比特币 RPC 命令「listaccounts」
listaccounts ( minconf includeWatchonly ) 已过时。返回以账户名为关键字,账户余额为值的对象。 参数: 1. minconf (数字,可选,默认为 1)只包含至少有这么多次确认的交易 2. includeWatchonly(布尔型,可选,默认为 false)包含 watchonly 地址上的余额(见 'importaddress') 结果: { (键为账户名,值为数字型余额的 json 对象) "account": x.xxx,(数字)属性名为账户名,值为该账户的总余额。 ... } 例子: 列出至少 1 次确认的账户余额 > bitcoin-cli listaccounts 列出包含未确认交易的账户余额 > bitcoin-cli listaccounts 0 列出 6 次或更多次确认的账户余额 > bitcoin-cli listaccounts 6 作为 json rpc 调用 > curl --user myusername:mypassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listaccounts", "params": [6] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
对应的函数在文件 rpcserver.h
extern UniValue listaccounts(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
实现在文件 rpcwallet.cpp
UniValue listaccounts(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) // 1. 确保钱包可用
return NullUniValue;
if (fHelp || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"listaccounts ( minconf includeWatchonly)\n"
"\nDEPRECATED. Returns Object that has account names as keys, account balances as values.\n"
"1. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only include transactions with at least this many confirmations\n"
"2. includeWatchonly (bool, optional, default=false) Include balances in watchonly addresses (see 'importaddress')\n"
"{ (json object where keys are account names, and values are numeric balances\n"
" \"account\": x.xxx, (numeric) The property name is the account name, and the value is the total balance for the account.\n"
" ...\n"
"\nList account balances where there at least 1 confirmation\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("listaccounts", "") +
"\nList account balances including zero confirmation transactions\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("listaccounts", "0") +
"\nList account balances for 6 or more confirmations\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("listaccounts", "6") +
"\nAs json rpc call\n"
+ HelpExampleRpc("listaccounts", "6")
); // 2. 帮助内容
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 0)
nMinDepth = params[0].get_int();
isminefilter includeWatchonly = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
if(params.size() > 1)
includeWatchonly = includeWatchonly | ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY;
map<string, CAmount> mapAccountBalances; // 账户余额映射列表
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, CAddressBookData)& entry, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook) { // 遍历地址簿
if (IsMine(*pwalletMain, entry.first) & includeWatchonly) // This address belongs to me // 该地址属于我
mapAccountBalances[entry.second.name] = 0; // 加入账户余额映射列表,并初始化余额为 0
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
{ // 遍历钱包交易索引列表
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second; // 获取钱包交易
CAmount nFee; // 交易费
string strSentAccount; // 发送账户名
list<COutputEntry> listReceived; // 接收列表
list<COutputEntry> listSent; // 发送列表
int nDepth = wtx.GetDepthInMainChain(); // 获取该交易的深度
if (wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0 || nDepth < 0) // 未成熟 或 未上链(深度小于 0)
continue; // 跳过
wtx.GetAmounts(listReceived, listSent, nFee, strSentAccount, includeWatchonly); // 获取相关金额
mapAccountBalances[strSentAccount] -= nFee; // 账户余额减去交易费
BOOST_FOREACH(const COutputEntry& s, listSent) // 遍历发送列表
mapAccountBalances[strSentAccount] -= s.amount; // 账户余额减去发送的金额
if (nDepth >= nMinDepth) // 交易深度大于等于最小深度
BOOST_FOREACH(const COutputEntry& r, listReceived) // 遍历接收列表
if (pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.count(r.destination)) // 若目标地址存在于地址簿中
mapAccountBalances[pwalletMain->mapAddressBook[r.destination].name] += r.amount; // 对应账户余额加上接收金额
mapAccountBalances[""] += r.amount; // 否则默认账户余额加上该接收金额
const list<CAccountingEntry> & acentries = pwalletMain->laccentries; // 获取账户条目列表
BOOST_FOREACH(const CAccountingEntry& entry, acentries) // 遍历该列表
mapAccountBalances[entry.strAccount] += entry.nCreditDebit; // 信用借记
UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); // 创建对象类型结果
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(string, CAmount)& accountBalance, mapAccountBalances) { // 遍历账户余额映射列表
ret.push_back(Pair(accountBalance.first, ValueFromAmount(accountBalance.second))); // 账户名和余额配对加入结果集
return ret;
1. 确保钱包可用
参考比特币 RPC 命令「fundrawtransaction」1. 确保钱包可用。
2. 帮助内容
参考比特币 RPC 命令「getbestblockhash」1. 帮助内容。