比特币 RPC 命令「getreceivedbyaddress」
$ bitcoin-cli help getreceivedbyaddress getreceivedbyaddress "bitcoinaddress" ( minconf ) 返回通过给定比特币地址上含最少确认 minconf 次的交易中接收的总金额。 参数: 1. "bitcoinaddress"(字符串,必备)交易的比特币地址。 2. minconf(数字,可选,默认为 1)只包含至少 minconf 次确认的交易。 结果: amount(数字)这个地址接收到的 BTC 总数。 例子: 来自含至少一次确认的交易的金额 > bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaccount "1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ" 含未确认交易,零交易的金额 > bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaccount "1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ" 0 含至少 6 次确认,非常安全的金额 > bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaccount "1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ" 6 作为一个 json rpc 调用 > curl --user myusername:mypassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getreceivedbyaddress", "params": ["1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ", 6] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
对应的函数在文件 rpcserver.h
extern UniValue getreceivedbyaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
实现在文件 wallet/rpcwallet.cpp
UniValue getreceivedbyaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) // 1. 确保钱包可用
return NullUniValue;
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"getreceivedbyaddress \"bitcoinaddress\" ( minconf )\n"
"\nReturns the total amount received by the given bitcoinaddress in transactions with at least minconf confirmations.\n"
"1. \"bitcoinaddress\" (string, required) The bitcoin address for transactions.\n"
"2. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.\n"
"amount (numeric) The total amount in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " received at this address.\n"
"\nThe amount from transactions with at least 1 confirmation\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("getreceivedbyaddress", "\"1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ\"") +
"\nThe amount including unconfirmed transactions, zero confirmations\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("getreceivedbyaddress", "\"1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ\" 0") +
"\nThe amount with at least 6 confirmation, very safe\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("getreceivedbyaddress", "\"1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ\" 6") +
"\nAs a json rpc call\n"
+ HelpExampleRpc("getreceivedbyaddress", "\"1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ\", 6")
); // 2. 帮助内容
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
// Bitcoin address
CBitcoinAddress address = CBitcoinAddress(params[0].get_str()); // 3. 比特币地址
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid Bitcoin address");
CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(address.Get());
if (!IsMine(*pwalletMain,scriptPubKey))
return (double)0.0;
// Minimum confirmations // 4. 最小确认数
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 1)
nMinDepth = params[1].get_int();
// Tally
CAmount nAmount = 0; // 5. 总计
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (wtx.IsCoinBase() || !CheckFinalTx(wtx))
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
if (txout.scriptPubKey == scriptPubKey)
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
nAmount += txout.nValue;
return ValueFromAmount(nAmount);
1. 确保钱包可用
参考比特币 RPC 命令「fundrawtransaction」1. 确保钱包可用。
2. 帮助内容
参考比特币 RPC 命令「getbestblockhash」1. 帮助内容。