比特币 RPC 命令「createrawtransaction」
$ bitcoin-cli help createrawtransaction createrawtransaction [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...] {"address":amount,"data":"hex",...} ( locktime ) 创建一笔使用给定输入并创建新输出的交易。 输出可以是地址集或数据。 返回 16 进制编码的原始交易。 注意交易的输入未被签名,并且它不会存储在钱包中或传输到网络中。 参数: 1. "transactions" (字符串,必备)一个 json 对象们的 json 数组 [ { "txid":"id", (字符串,必备)交易索引 "vout":n (数字,必备)输出序号 } ,... ] 2. "outputs" (字符串,必备)一个输出们的 json 对象 { "address": x.xxx,(数字或字符串,必备)密钥是比特币地址,数值(可以是字符串)是以 BTC 为单位金额 "data": "hex", (字符串,必备)密钥是 "data",该值是 16 进制编码的数据 ... } 3. locktime (数字,可选,默认为 0)原始锁定时间。非 0 值也会激活锁定时间输入 结果: "transaction"(字符串)16 进制的交易字符串 例子: > bitcoin-cli createrawtransaction "[{\"txid\":\"myid\",\"vout\":0}]" "{\"address\":0.01}" > bitcoin-cli createrawtransaction "[{\"txid\":\"myid\",\"vout\":0}]" "{\"data\":\"00010203\"}" > curl --user myusername:mypassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "createrawtransaction", "params": ["[{\"txid\":\"myid\",\"vout\":0}]", "{\"address\":0.01}"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' > curl --user myusername:mypassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "createrawtransaction", "params": ["[{\"txid\":\"myid\",\"vout\":0}]", "{\"data\":\"00010203\"}"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
对应的函数在文件 rpcserver.h
extern UniValue createrawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
实现在文件 rpcrawtransaction.cpp
UniValue createrawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3)
throw runtime_error(
"createrawtransaction [{\"txid\":\"id\",\"vout\":n},...] {\"address\":amount,\"data\":\"hex\",...} ( locktime )\n"
"\nCreate a transaction spending the given inputs and creating new outputs.\n"
"Outputs can be addresses or data.\n"
"Returns hex-encoded raw transaction.\n"
"Note that the transaction's inputs are not signed, and\n"
"it is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network.\n"
"1. \"transactions\" (string, required) A json array of json objects\n"
" [\n"
" {\n"
" \"txid\":\"id\", (string, required) The transaction id\n"
" \"vout\":n (numeric, required) The output number\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
"2. \"outputs\" (string, required) a json object with outputs\n"
" {\n"
" \"address\": x.xxx (numeric or string, required) The key is the bitcoin address, the numeric value (can be string) is the " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " amount\n"
" \"data\": \"hex\", (string, required) The key is \"data\", the value is hex encoded data\n"
" ...\n"
" }\n"
"3. locktime (numeric, optional, default=0) Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs\n"
"\"transaction\" (string) hex string of the transaction\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"address\\\":0.01}\"")
+ HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}\"")
+ HelpExampleRpc("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\", \"{\\\"address\\\":0.01}\"")
+ HelpExampleRpc("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\", \"{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}\"")
); // 1. 帮助内容
RPCTypeCheck(params, boost::assign::list_of(UniValue::VARR)(UniValue::VOBJ)(UniValue::VNUM), true); // 2. RPC 类型检测
if (params[0].isNull() || params[1].isNull())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, arguments 1 and 2 must be non-null");
UniValue inputs = params[0].get_array();
UniValue sendTo = params[1].get_obj();
CMutableTransaction rawTx; // 3. 构建原始交易
if (params.size() > 2 && !params[2].isNull()) { // 若指定了锁定时间
int64_t nLockTime = params[2].get_int64(); // 获取锁定时间
if (nLockTime < 0 || nLockTime > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) // 锁定时间范围检查
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, locktime out of range");
rawTx.nLockTime = nLockTime; // 交易锁定时间初始化
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < inputs.size(); idx++) { // 遍历输入,构建原始交易输入列表
const UniValue& input = inputs[idx]; // 获取一个输入
const UniValue& o = input.get_obj(); // 拿到该输入对象
uint256 txid = ParseHashO(o, "txid"); // 获取交易索引
const UniValue& vout_v = find_value(o, "vout"); // 获取输出序号
if (!vout_v.isNum()) // 输出序号必须为数字
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, missing vout key");
int nOutput = vout_v.get_int(); // 获取该数字
if (nOutput < 0) // 输出索引最小为 0
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, vout must be positive");
uint32_t nSequence = (rawTx.nLockTime ? std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() - 1 : std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()); // 锁定时间
CTxIn in(COutPoint(txid, nOutput), CScript(), nSequence); // 构建一个交易输入对象
rawTx.vin.push_back(in); // 加入原始交易输入列表
set<CBitcoinAddress> setAddress; // 地址集
vector<string> addrList = sendTo.getKeys(); // 获取输出的所有关键字(地址)
BOOST_FOREACH(const string& name_, addrList) { // 遍历地址列表
if (name_ == "data") { // 若关键字中包含 "data"
std::vector<unsigned char> data = ParseHexV(sendTo[name_].getValStr(),"Data"); // 解析数据
CTxOut out(0, CScript() << OP_RETURN << data); // 构建交易输出对象
rawTx.vout.push_back(out); // 加入原始交易输出列表
} else { // 否则为目的地址
CBitcoinAddress address(name_); // 构建比特币地址
if (!address.IsValid()) // 检验地址是否有效
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid Bitcoin address: ")+name_);
if (setAddress.count(address)) // 保证地址集中不存在该地址,防止地址重复输入
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, string("Invalid parameter, duplicated address: ")+name_);
setAddress.insert(address); // 插入地址集
CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(address.Get()); // 从目的地址获取脚本公钥
CAmount nAmount = AmountFromValue(sendTo[name_]); // 获取金额
CTxOut out(nAmount, scriptPubKey); // 构建交易输出对象
rawTx.vout.push_back(out); // 加入原始交易输出列表
return EncodeHexTx(rawTx); // 4. 编码 16 进制交易并返回
1. 帮助内容
参考比特币 RPC 命令「getbestblockhash」1. 帮助内容。