$ bitcoin-cli help gettxoutsetinfo


  "height":n,               (数字)当前的区块高度(索引)
  "bestblock": "hex",       (字符串)最佳区块哈希 16 进制
  "transactions": n,        (数字)交易数
  "txouts": n,              (数字)交易输出数
  "bytes_serialized": n,    (数字)序列化的大小
  "hash_serialized": "hash",(字符串)序列化的哈希
  "total_amount": x.xxx     (数字)总金额

> bitcoin-cli gettxoutsetinfo
> curl --user myusername:mypassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "gettxoutsetinfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'


gettxoutsetinfo 对应的函数在文件 rpcserver.h 中被引用。

extern UniValue gettxoutsetinfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);

实现在文件 rpcblockchain.cpp 中。

UniValue gettxoutsetinfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
        throw runtime_error(
            "\nReturns statistics about the unspent transaction output set.\n"
            "Note this call may take some time.\n"
            "  \"height\":n,     (numeric) The current block height (index)\n"
            "  \"bestblock\": \"hex\",   (string) the best block hash hex\n"
            "  \"transactions\": n,      (numeric) The number of transactions\n"
            "  \"txouts\": n,            (numeric) The number of output transactions\n"
            "  \"bytes_serialized\": n,  (numeric) The serialized size\n"
            "  \"hash_serialized\": \"hash\",   (string) The serialized hash\n"
            "  \"total_amount\": x.xxx          (numeric) The total amount\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("gettxoutsetinfo", "")
            + HelpExampleRpc("gettxoutsetinfo", "")
        ); // 1. 帮助内容

    UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);

    CCoinsStats stats;
    FlushStateToDisk(); // 2. 刷新状态到磁盘
    if (pcoinsTip->GetStats(stats)) { // 获取币状态信息
        ret.push_back(Pair("height", (int64_t)stats.nHeight)); // 区块链高度
        ret.push_back(Pair("bestblock", stats.hashBlock.GetHex())); // 最佳区块哈希
        ret.push_back(Pair("transactions", (int64_t)stats.nTransactions)); // 交易数
        ret.push_back(Pair("txouts", (int64_t)stats.nTransactionOutputs)); // 交易输出数
        ret.push_back(Pair("bytes_serialized", (int64_t)stats.nSerializedSize)); // 序列化的大小
        ret.push_back(Pair("hash_serialized", stats.hashSerialized.GetHex())); // 序列化的哈希
        ret.push_back(Pair("total_amount", ValueFromAmount(stats.nTotalAmount))); // 总金额
    return ret;

1. 帮助内容

参考比特币 RPC 命令「getbestblockhash」1. 帮助内容

2. 刷新状态到磁盘

刷新状态到磁盘函数 FlushStateToDisk() 声明在文件 main.h 中。

/** Flush all state, indexes and buffers to disk. */
void FlushStateToDisk(); // 刷新所有状态、索引集和缓存到磁盘。

实现在文件 main.cpp 中。

 * Update the on-disk chain state.
 * The caches and indexes are flushed depending on the mode we're called with
 * if they're too large, if it's been a while since the last write,
 * or always and in all cases if we're in prune mode and are deleting files.
bool static FlushStateToDisk(CValidationState &state, FlushStateMode mode) {
    const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
    LOCK2(cs_main, cs_LastBlockFile);
    static int64_t nLastWrite = 0;
    static int64_t nLastFlush = 0;
    static int64_t nLastSetChain = 0;
    std::set<int> setFilesToPrune;
    bool fFlushForPrune = false;
    try {
    if (fPruneMode && fCheckForPruning && !fReindex) {
        FindFilesToPrune(setFilesToPrune, chainparams.PruneAfterHeight());
        fCheckForPruning = false;
        if (!setFilesToPrune.empty()) {
            fFlushForPrune = true;
            if (!fHavePruned) {
                pblocktree->WriteFlag("prunedblockfiles", true);
                fHavePruned = true;
    int64_t nNow = GetTimeMicros();
    // Avoid writing/flushing immediately after startup.
    if (nLastWrite == 0) {
        nLastWrite = nNow;
    if (nLastFlush == 0) {
        nLastFlush = nNow;
    if (nLastSetChain == 0) {
        nLastSetChain = nNow;
    size_t cacheSize = pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage();
    // The cache is large and close to the limit, but we have time now (not in the middle of a block processing).
    bool fCacheLarge = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && cacheSize * (10.0/9) > nCoinCacheUsage;
    // The cache is over the limit, we have to write now.
    bool fCacheCritical = mode == FLUSH_STATE_IF_NEEDED && cacheSize > nCoinCacheUsage;
    // It's been a while since we wrote the block index to disk. Do this frequently, so we don't need to redownload after a crash.
    bool fPeriodicWrite = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && nNow > nLastWrite + (int64_t)DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL * 1000000;
    // It's been very long since we flushed the cache. Do this infrequently, to optimize cache usage.
    bool fPeriodicFlush = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && nNow > nLastFlush + (int64_t)DATABASE_FLUSH_INTERVAL * 1000000;
    // Combine all conditions that result in a full cache flush.
    bool fDoFullFlush = (mode == FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS) || fCacheLarge || fCacheCritical || fPeriodicFlush || fFlushForPrune;
    // Write blocks and block index to disk.
    if (fDoFullFlush || fPeriodicWrite) {
        // Depend on nMinDiskSpace to ensure we can write block index
        if (!CheckDiskSpace(0))
            return state.Error("out of disk space");
        // First make sure all block and undo data is flushed to disk.
        // Then update all block file information (which may refer to block and undo files).
            std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileInfo*> > vFiles;
            for (set<int>::iterator it = setDirtyFileInfo.begin(); it != setDirtyFileInfo.end(); ) {
                vFiles.push_back(make_pair(*it, &vinfoBlockFile[*it]));
            std::vector<const CBlockIndex*> vBlocks;
            for (set<CBlockIndex*>::iterator it = setDirtyBlockIndex.begin(); it != setDirtyBlockIndex.end(); ) {
            if (!pblocktree->WriteBatchSync(vFiles, nLastBlockFile, vBlocks)) {
                return AbortNode(state, "Files to write to block index database");
        // Finally remove any pruned files
        if (fFlushForPrune)
        nLastWrite = nNow;
    // Flush best chain related state. This can only be done if the blocks / block index write was also done.
    if (fDoFullFlush) {
        // Typical CCoins structures on disk are around 128 bytes in size.
        // Pushing a new one to the database can cause it to be written
        // twice (once in the log, and once in the tables). This is already
        // an overestimation, as most will delete an existing entry or
        // overwrite one. Still, use a conservative safety factor of 2.
        if (!CheckDiskSpace(128 * 2 * 2 * pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize()))
            return state.Error("out of disk space");
        // Flush the chainstate (which may refer to block index entries).
        if (!pcoinsTip->Flush())
            return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to coin database");
        nLastFlush = nNow;
    if (fDoFullFlush || ((mode == FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS || mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC) && nNow > nLastSetChain + (int64_t)DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL * 1000000)) {
        // Update best block in wallet (so we can detect restored wallets).
        nLastSetChain = nNow;
    } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
        return AbortNode(state, std::string("System error while flushing: ") + e.what());
    return true;

void FlushStateToDisk() {
    CValidationState state;
    FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS);

更新磁盘上的链状态。 如果缓存和索引过大,或距上一次写操作已经过了一段时间,或我们处于修剪模式并正在删除文件,则根据调用的模式刷新缓存和索引。
