$ bitcoin-cli help generate
generate numblocks

立刻挖出区块(在 RPC 调用返回前)


1. numblocks(数字,必备)立刻生成多少区块。

[ blockhashes ](数组)生成区块的哈希


生成 11 个区块

> bitcoin-cli -regtest generate 11


generate 对应的函数在文件 rpcserver.h 中被引用。

extern UniValue generate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);

实现在文件 rpcmining.cpp 中。

UniValue generate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 1)
        throw runtime_error(
            "generate numblocks\n"
            "\nMine blocks immediately (before the RPC call returns)\n"
            "\nNote: this function can only be used on the regtest network\n"
            "1. numblocks    (numeric, required) How many blocks are generated immediately.\n"
            "[ blockhashes ]     (array) hashes of blocks generated\n"
            "\nGenerate 11 blocks\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("generate", "11")
        ); // 1. 帮助内容

    if (!Params().MineBlocksOnDemand()) // 2.检测网络,只有回归测试网返回 true
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, "This method can only be used on regtest"); // 提示

    int nHeightStart = 0; // 产生块前的高度
    int nHeightEnd = 0; // 产生块后的高度
    int nHeight = 0; // 当前区块链高度
    int nGenerate = params[0].get_int(); // 3.获取要产生区块的数目

    boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript; // 4.创建创币交易脚本

    // If the keypool is exhausted, no script is returned at all.  Catch this.
    if (!coinbaseScript) // 5.若密钥池耗尽,根本不会返回脚本。抓住它。
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_KEYPOOL_RAN_OUT, "Error: Keypool ran out, please call keypoolrefill first");

    //throw an error if no script was provided
    if (coinbaseScript->reserveScript.empty()) // 6.如果脚本为空,未被提供,则抛出一个错误
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "No coinbase script available (mining requires a wallet)");

    {   // Don't keep cs_main locked
        LOCK(cs_main); // 缩小加锁的范围
        nHeightStart = chainActive.Height(); // 7.获取当前激活链高度
        nHeight = nHeightStart; // 记录当前高度
        nHeightEnd = nHeightStart+nGenerate; // 得到产生指定块数后的高度
    unsigned int nExtraNonce = 0;
    UniValue blockHashes(UniValue::VARR); // 数组类型的区块哈希对象
    while (nHeight < nHeightEnd)
    { // 8.循环产生指定数目的区块
        auto_ptr<CBlockTemplate> pblocktemplate(CreateNewBlock(Params(), coinbaseScript->reserveScript)); // 8.1.创建区块模板
        if (!pblocktemplate.get()) // 8.2.验证是否创建成功
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Couldn't create new block");
        CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; // 获取区块指针
            IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, chainActive.Tip(), nExtraNonce); // 8.3.增加额外的随机数
        while (!CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) { // 8.4.检测区块是否满足工作量证明
            // Yes, there is a chance every nonce could fail to satisfy the -regtest
            // target -- 1 in 2^(2^32). That ain't gonna happen. // 每个随机数都有可能无法满足 -regtest 目标值 -- 2^(2^32) 分之 1。这不会发生的。
            ++pblock->nNonce; // 区块头内随机数加 1
        CValidationState state;
        if (!ProcessNewBlock(state, Params(), NULL, pblock, true, NULL)) // 8.5.
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "ProcessNewBlock, block not accepted");
        ++nHeight; // 增加当前高度
        blockHashes.push_back(pblock->GetHash().GetHex()); // 8.6.追加区块哈希

        //mark script as important because it was used at least for one coinbase output
        coinbaseScript->KeepScript(); // 8.7.标记该脚本为重要,因为它至少用作一个创币输出
    return blockHashes; // 9.返回产生所有区块的哈希

1. 帮助内容

参考比特币 RPC 命令「getbestblockhash」1. 帮助内容


  1. 处理命令帮助和参数个数。
  2. 检测当前网络类型,是否为回归测试网。
  3. 获取指定的要生成区块的数目。
  4. 创建创币脚本,每个区块必有一笔交易(创币交易)。
  5. 检测密钥池中密钥数量。
  6. 检测产生的脚本是否为空。
  7. 获取当前链高度并计算生成区块后的链高度,为生成区块做准备。
  8. 循环生成指定数目的区块,并记录每个上链区块的哈希。
  9. 返回打包好的区块哈希。

第二步,首先调用 Params().MineBlocksOnDemand() 函数获取挖矿需求标志。 该标志一般可以表示当前的网络,回归测试网下该标志为 true。

函数 Params() 声明在“chainparams.h”文件中。

 * Return the currently selected parameters. This won't change after app
 * startup, except for unit tests.
 */ // 返回当前选择的链参数。除了单元测试,在应用程序启动后不会改变。
const CChainParams &Params();


static CChainParams *pCurrentParams = 0;

const CChainParams &Params() { // 获取链参数,在 3.5.SelectParams() 初始化后,才能调用
    return *pCurrentParams;

然后调用 MineBlocksOnDemand() 函数返回挖矿需求标志。该函数声明在“chainparams.h”文件的 CChainParams 类中。

 * CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the
 * Bitcoin system. There are three: the main network on which people trade goods
 * and services, the public test network which gets reset from time to time and
 * a regression test mode which is intended for private networks only. It has
 * minimal difficulty to ensure that blocks can be found instantly.
 */ // 类 CChainParams 定义了比特币系统给定实例的各种可调用参数。有三种:人们交易商品和服务的主网,不时重置的公共测试网和仅限私有网络的回归测试模式。它有确保立刻找到块的最小难度。
class CChainParams
    bool MineBlocksOnDemand() const { return fMineBlocksOnDemand; } // 返回挖矿需求标志
    bool fMineBlocksOnDemand; // 挖矿需求标志,只有回归测试网中为 true

关于 fMineBlocksOnDemand 变量的初始化,详见比特币核心服务启动过程

第四步,通过 GetMainSignals().ScriptForMining(coinbaseScript) 信号处理函数获取创币交易的脚本。 函数 GetMainSignals() 声明在“validationinterface.h”文件中。

CMainSignals& GetMainSignals();


static CMainSignals g_signals; // 静态全局信号对象

CMainSignals& GetMainSignals() // 获取主信号对象的引用
    return g_signals;

类 CMainSignals 定义在“validationinterface.h”文件中。

struct CMainSignals { // 主信号类
    /** Notifies listeners that a key for mining is required (coinbase) */
    boost::signals2::signal<void (boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript>&)> ScriptForMining;

信号 ScriptForMining 通过函数 RegisterValidationInterface(…) 进行注册。 该函数声明在“validationinterface.h”文件中。

/** Register a wallet to receive updates from core */
void RegisterValidationInterface(CValidationInterface* pwalletIn); // 注册一个用来接收内核升级的钱包


void RegisterValidationInterface(CValidationInterface* pwalletIn) {
    g_signals.UpdatedBlockTip.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::UpdatedBlockTip, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.SyncTransaction.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::SyncTransaction, pwalletIn, _1, _2));
    g_signals.UpdatedTransaction.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::UpdatedTransaction, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.SetBestChain.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::SetBestChain, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.Inventory.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::Inventory, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.Broadcast.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::ResendWalletTransactions, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.BlockChecked.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::BlockChecked, pwalletIn, _1, _2));
    g_signals.ScriptForMining.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::GetScriptForMining, pwalletIn, _1)); // 这里进行的注册
    g_signals.BlockFound.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::ResetRequestCount, pwalletIn, _1));

该函数的调用是在“init.cpp”文件的 AppInit2(…) 函数的 Step 8 中。

/** Initialize bitcoin.
 *  @pre Parameters should be parsed and config file should be read.
bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup, CScheduler& scheduler) // [P]3.11.程序初始化,共 12 步
    // ********************************************************* Step 8: load wallet // 若启用钱包功能,则加载钱包 
        RegisterValidationInterface(pwalletMain); // 注册一个钱包用于接收 bitcoin core 的升级

注册的 CValidationInterface::GetScriptForMining 函数是一个虚函数,在“”文件的 CValidationInterface 类中。

class CValidationInterface { // 验证接口
    virtual void GetScriptForMining(boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript>&) {};

其具体实现在该类的派生类 CWallet 中,该函数声明在“wallet.h”文件的 CWallet 类中。

 * A CWallet is an extension of a keystore, which also maintains a set of transactions and balances,
 * and provides the ability to create new transactions.
 */ // CWallet 是密钥库的扩展,可以维持一组交易和余额,并提供创建新交易的能力。
class CWallet : public CCryptoKeyStore, public CValidationInterface
    void GetScriptForMining(boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> &script);


void CWallet::GetScriptForMining(boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> &script)
    boost::shared_ptr<CReserveKey> rKey(new CReserveKey(this)); // 1.新建一个派生类对象
    CPubKey pubkey;
    if (!rKey->GetReservedKey(pubkey)) // 2.从密钥池中取一个公钥

    script = rKey; // 3.把派生类对象赋值给基类对象(派生类 -> 基类)
    script->reserveScript = CScript() << ToByteVector(pubkey) << OP_CHECKSIG; // 把公钥加入脚本


  1. 新建对象。
  2. 通过该对象从密钥池获取一个公钥。
  3. 获取脚本。

1.创建一个从密钥池中分配的密钥 CReserveKey 对象,该类定义在“wallet.h”文件中。

/** A key allocated from the key pool. */
class CReserveKey : public CReserveScript // 一个从密钥池分配的密钥
    CWallet* pwallet; // 钱包指针,指向主钱包
    int64_t nIndex; // 密钥池中密钥的索引,初始化为 -1
    CPubKey vchPubKey; // 对应公钥
    CReserveKey(CWallet* pwalletIn)
        nIndex = -1;
        pwallet = pwalletIn; // 主钱包
    bool GetReservedKey(CPubKey &pubkey); // 从密钥池中获取一个公钥

2.调用 rKey->GetReservedKey(pubkey) 函数从密钥池中获取一个公钥,该函数实现在“wallet.cpp”文件中。

bool CReserveKey::GetReservedKey(CPubKey& pubkey) // 从密钥池中取一个公钥
    if (nIndex == -1) // 初始化为 -1
        CKeyPool keypool;
        pwallet->ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(nIndex, keypool);
        if (nIndex != -1)
            vchPubKey = keypool.vchPubKey;
        else {
            return false;
    assert(vchPubKey.IsValid()); // 检测公钥的有效性
    pubkey = vchPubKey;
    return true;

调用 pwallet->ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(nIndex, keypool) 函数真正实现从密钥池中取出一个密钥并获取其公钥。 其实现也在“wallet.cpp”文件中。

void CWallet::ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(int64_t& nIndex, CKeyPool& keypool)
    nIndex = -1;
    keypool.vchPubKey = CPubKey();
        LOCK(cs_wallet); // 钱包上锁

        if (!IsLocked()) // 若钱包未被加密
            TopUpKeyPool(); // 再次填充密钥池

        // Get the oldest key // 获取时间上最早的密钥
        if(setKeyPool.empty()) // 若密钥池集合为空
            return; // 直接返回

        CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile); // 根据钱包文件构造钱包数据库对象

        nIndex = *(setKeyPool.begin()); // 获取最先创建的密钥的索引,大于 0,最小为 1
        setKeyPool.erase(setKeyPool.begin()); // 从密钥池集合中擦除该密钥的索引
        if (!walletdb.ReadPool(nIndex, keypool)) // 根据密钥索引从钱包数据库中读取一个密钥池条目
            throw runtime_error("ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(): read failed");
        if (!HaveKey(keypool.vchPubKey.GetID())) // 通过获取的公钥 ID 检测对应的密钥是否存在
            throw runtime_error("ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(): unknown key in key pool");
        assert(keypool.vchPubKey.IsValid()); // 检查公钥是否有效
        LogPrintf("keypool reserve %d\n", nIndex);

3.把公钥导入脚本。脚本类 CScript 定义在“script.h”文件中。

typedef prevector<28, unsigned char> CScriptBase;

/** Serialized script, used inside transaction inputs and outputs */
class CScript : public CScriptBase
    CScript() { }
    CScript& operator<<(opcodetype opcode)
        if (opcode < 0 || opcode > 0xff)
            throw std::runtime_error("CScript::operator<<(): invalid opcode");
        insert(end(), (unsigned char)opcode);
        return *this;
    CScript& operator<<(const std::vector<unsigned char>& b)
        if (b.size() < OP_PUSHDATA1) // 4 中导入方式
            insert(end(), (unsigned char)b.size());
        else if (b.size() <= 0xff)
            insert(end(), OP_PUSHDATA1);
            insert(end(), (unsigned char)b.size());
        else if (b.size() <= 0xffff)
            insert(end(), OP_PUSHDATA2);
            uint8_t data[2];
            WriteLE16(data, b.size());
            insert(end(), data, data + sizeof(data));
            insert(end(), OP_PUSHDATA4);
            uint8_t data[4];
            WriteLE32(data, b.size());
            insert(end(), data, data + sizeof(data));
        insert(end(), b.begin(), b.end());
        return *this;

函数模板 ToByteVector(pubkey) 和 OP_CHECKSIG 均定义在“script.h”文件中。

template <typename T>
std::vector<unsigned char> ToByteVector(const T& in)
    return std::vector<unsigned char>(in.begin(), in.end());

/** Script opcodes */
enum opcodetype
    // crypto
    OP_CHECKSIG = 0xac,

第六步,调用 coinbaseScript->reserveScript.empty() 函数判断脚本是否创建成功。 该函数定义在“prevector.h”文件的 prevector 类模板中。

** Implements a drop-in replacement for std::vector<T> which stores up to N
 *  elements directly (without heap allocation). The types Size and Diff are
 *  used to store element counts, and can be any unsigned + signed type.
 *  Storage layout is either:
 *  - Direct allocation:
 *    - Size _size: the number of used elements (between 0 and N)
 *    - T direct[N]: an array of N elements of type T
 *      (only the first _size are initialized).
 *  - Indirect allocation:
 *    - Size _size: the number of used elements plus N + 1
 *    - Size capacity: the number of allocated elements
 *    - T* indirect: a pointer to an array of capacity elements of type T
 *      (only the first _size are initialized).
 *  The data type T must be movable by memmove/realloc(). Once we switch to C++,
 *  move constructors can be used instead.
template<unsigned int N, typename T, typename Size = uint32_t, typename Diff = int32_t>
class prevector {
    typedef Size size_type; // uint32_t
    size_type _size; // 4 bytes
    bool is_direct() const { return _size <= N; } // N 为 28
    size_type size() const {
        return is_direct() ? _size : _size - N - 1;

    bool empty() const { // _size == 29 为空
        return size() == 0;


8.1.通过调用 CreateNewBlock(Params(), coinbaseScript->reserveScript) 函数把创建的创币脚本传入生成一个区块模板。 该函数声明在“miner.h”文件中。

struct CBlockTemplate // 区块模板类
    CBlock block; // 区块对象
    std::vector<CAmount> vTxFees; // 交易手续费
    std::vector<int64_t> vTxSigOps; // 交易签名操作
/** Generate a new block, without valid proof-of-work */
CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn);


CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn)
    // Create new block
    auto_ptr<CBlockTemplate> pblocktemplate(new CBlockTemplate()); // 创建一个新的区块模板(包含交易手续费和交易签名操作)
        return NULL;
    CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; // pointer for convenience

    // Create coinbase tx
    CMutableTransaction txNew; // 创建创币交易对象
    txNew.vin[0].prevout.SetNull(); // 输入为空
    txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKeyIn; // 输出公钥脚本

    // Add dummy coinbase tx as first transaction
    pblock->vtx.push_back(CTransaction()); // 添加假的创币交易作为第一笔交易到交易列表中
    pblocktemplate->vTxFees.push_back(-1); // updated at end // 无交易手续费
    pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps.push_back(-1); // updated at end // 无交易签名操作

    // Largest block you're willing to create:
    unsigned int nBlockMaxSize = GetArg("-blockmaxsize", DEFAULT_BLOCK_MAX_SIZE); // 你希望创建的最大区块大小,默认 750,000(不到 1M)
    // Limit to between 1K and MAX_BLOCK_SIZE-1K for sanity:
    nBlockMaxSize = std::max((unsigned int)1000, std::min((unsigned int)(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE-1000), nBlockMaxSize)); // 获取真正区块大小的最大限制

    // How much of the block should be dedicated to high-priority transactions,
    // included regardless of the fees they pay
    unsigned int nBlockPrioritySize = GetArg("-blockprioritysize", DEFAULT_BLOCK_PRIORITY_SIZE); // 默认区块优先级大小,默认为 0
    nBlockPrioritySize = std::min(nBlockMaxSize, nBlockPrioritySize); // 用于包含高优先级的交易

    // Minimum block size you want to create; block will be filled with free transactions
    // until there are no more or the block reaches this size:
    unsigned int nBlockMinSize = GetArg("-blockminsize", DEFAULT_BLOCK_MIN_SIZE); // 默认区块大小最小限制,默认为 0
    nBlockMinSize = std::min(nBlockMaxSize, nBlockMinSize);

    // Collect memory pool transactions into the block
    CTxMemPool::setEntries inBlock;
    CTxMemPool::setEntries waitSet;

    // This vector will be sorted into a priority queue:
    vector<TxCoinAgePriority> vecPriority;
    TxCoinAgePriorityCompare pricomparer;
    std::map<CTxMemPool::txiter, double, CTxMemPool::CompareIteratorByHash> waitPriMap;
    typedef std::map<CTxMemPool::txiter, double, CTxMemPool::CompareIteratorByHash>::iterator waitPriIter;
    double actualPriority = -1;

    std::priority_queue<CTxMemPool::txiter, std::vector<CTxMemPool::txiter>, ScoreCompare> clearedTxs;
    bool fPrintPriority = GetBoolArg("-printpriority", DEFAULT_PRINTPRIORITY); // 打印优先级标志,默认关闭
    uint64_t nBlockSize = 1000;
    uint64_t nBlockTx = 0;
    unsigned int nBlockSigOps = 100;
    int lastFewTxs = 0;
    CAmount nFees = 0;

        LOCK2(cs_main, mempool.cs);
        CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip();
        const int nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
        pblock->nTime = GetAdjustedTime();
        const int64_t nMedianTimePast = pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast();

        pblock->nVersion = ComputeBlockVersion(pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus());
        // -regtest only: allow overriding block.nVersion with
        // -blockversion=N to test forking scenarios
        if (chainparams.MineBlocksOnDemand())
            pblock->nVersion = GetArg("-blockversion", pblock->nVersion);

                                ? nMedianTimePast
                                : pblock->GetBlockTime();

        bool fPriorityBlock = nBlockPrioritySize > 0;
        if (fPriorityBlock) {
            for (CTxMemPool::indexed_transaction_set::iterator mi = mempool.mapTx.begin();
                 mi != mempool.mapTx.end(); ++mi)
                double dPriority = mi->GetPriority(nHeight);
                CAmount dummy;
                mempool.ApplyDeltas(mi->GetTx().GetHash(), dPriority, dummy);
                vecPriority.push_back(TxCoinAgePriority(dPriority, mi));
            std::make_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), pricomparer);

        CTxMemPool::indexed_transaction_set::nth_index<3>::type::iterator mi = mempool.mapTx.get<3>().begin();
        CTxMemPool::txiter iter;

        while (mi != mempool.mapTx.get<3>().end() || !clearedTxs.empty())
            bool priorityTx = false;
            if (fPriorityBlock && !vecPriority.empty()) { // add a tx from priority queue to fill the blockprioritysize
                priorityTx = true;
                iter = vecPriority.front().second;
                actualPriority = vecPriority.front().first;
                std::pop_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), pricomparer);
            else if (clearedTxs.empty()) { // add tx with next highest score
                iter = mempool.mapTx.project<0>(mi);
            else {  // try to add a previously postponed child tx
                iter = clearedTxs.top();

            if (inBlock.count(iter))
                continue; // could have been added to the priorityBlock

            const CTransaction& tx = iter->GetTx();

            bool fOrphan = false;
            BOOST_FOREACH(CTxMemPool::txiter parent, mempool.GetMemPoolParents(iter))
                if (!inBlock.count(parent)) {
                    fOrphan = true;
            if (fOrphan) {
                if (priorityTx)

            unsigned int nTxSize = iter->GetTxSize();
            if (fPriorityBlock &&
                (nBlockSize + nTxSize >= nBlockPrioritySize || !AllowFree(actualPriority))) {
                fPriorityBlock = false;
            if (!priorityTx &&
                (iter->GetModifiedFee() < ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nTxSize) && nBlockSize >= nBlockMinSize)) {
            if (nBlockSize + nTxSize >= nBlockMaxSize) {
                if (nBlockSize >  nBlockMaxSize - 100 || lastFewTxs > 50) {
                // Once we're within 1000 bytes of a full block, only look at 50 more txs
                // to try to fill the remaining space.
                if (nBlockSize > nBlockMaxSize - 1000) {

            if (!IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff))

            unsigned int nTxSigOps = iter->GetSigOpCount();
            if (nBlockSigOps + nTxSigOps >= MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS) {
                if (nBlockSigOps > MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS - 2) {

            CAmount nTxFees = iter->GetFee();
            // Added
            nBlockSize += nTxSize;
            nBlockSigOps += nTxSigOps;
            nFees += nTxFees;

            if (fPrintPriority) // 打印优先级
                double dPriority = iter->GetPriority(nHeight);
                CAmount dummy;
                mempool.ApplyDeltas(tx.GetHash(), dPriority, dummy);
                LogPrintf("priority %.1f fee %s txid %s\n",
                          dPriority , CFeeRate(iter->GetModifiedFee(), nTxSize).ToString(), tx.GetHash().ToString());


            // Add transactions that depend on this one to the priority queue
            BOOST_FOREACH(CTxMemPool::txiter child, mempool.GetMemPoolChildren(iter))
                if (fPriorityBlock) {
                    waitPriIter wpiter = waitPriMap.find(child);
                    if (wpiter != waitPriMap.end()) {
                        std::push_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), pricomparer);
                else {
                    if (waitSet.count(child)) {
        nLastBlockTx = nBlockTx;
        nLastBlockSize = nBlockSize;
        LogPrintf("CreateNewBlock(): total size %u txs: %u fees: %ld sigops %d\n", nBlockSize, nBlockTx, nFees, nBlockSigOps);

        // Compute final coinbase transaction.
        txNew.vout[0].nValue = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus()); // 计算创币交易输出值(区块奖励),通过当前区块高度和共识
        txNew.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << nHeight << OP_0; // 导入该交易输入的签名脚本,新区快的高度,OP_0 表示一个字节空串被推入栈
        pblock->vtx[0] = txNew; // 放入创币交易
        pblocktemplate->vTxFees[0] = -nFees; // 计算交易手续费,为 0

        // Fill in header
        pblock->hashPrevBlock  = pindexPrev->GetBlockHash(); // 获取父区块哈希
        UpdateTime(pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev); 
        pblock->nBits          = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus()); // 获取难度对应值
        pblock->nNonce         = 0; // 随机数置 0,即从 0 开始找块
        pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps[0] = GetLegacySigOpCount(pblock->vtx[0]); // 获取创币交易签名操作数

        CValidationState state;
        if (!TestBlockValidity(state, chainparams, *pblock, pindexPrev, false, false)) {
            throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("%s: TestBlockValidity failed: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)));

    return pblocktemplate.release();
