$ bitcoin-cli help getchaintips


    "height": xxxx,   (数字)链尖的高度
    "hash": "xxxx",   (字符串)链尖区块的哈希
    "branchlen": 0    (数字)主链为 0
    "status": "active"(字符串)主链为 "active"
    "height": xxxx,
    "hash": "xxxx",
    "branchlen": 1    (数字)连接尖端到主链的分支长度
    "status": "xxxx"  (字符串)链的状态 (active, valid-fork, valid-headers, headers-only, invalid)

1. "invalid"          该分支至少包含一块无效区块
2. "headers-only"     该分支并非所有区块都有效,但区块头都有效
3. "valid-headers"    该分支所有区块都有效,但它们没有完全验证
4. "valid-fork"       该分支不是活跃链的一部分,但已完全验证
5. "active"           这是活跃主链的尖端,确定有效

> bitcoin-cli getchaintips
> curl --user myusername:mypassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getchaintips", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'


getchaintips 对应的函数在文件 rpcserver.h 中被引用。

extern UniValue getchaintips(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);

实现在文件 rpcblockchain.cpp 中。

UniValue getchaintips(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
        throw runtime_error(
            "Return information about all known tips in the block tree,"
            " including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.\n"
            "  {\n"
            "    \"height\": xxxx,         (numeric) height of the chain tip\n"
            "    \"hash\": \"xxxx\",         (string) block hash of the tip\n"
            "    \"branchlen\": 0          (numeric) zero for main chain\n"
            "    \"status\": \"active\"      (string) \"active\" for the main chain\n"
            "  },\n"
            "  {\n"
            "    \"height\": xxxx,\n"
            "    \"hash\": \"xxxx\",\n"
            "    \"branchlen\": 1          (numeric) length of branch connecting the tip to the main chain\n"
            "    \"status\": \"xxxx\"        (string) status of the chain (active, valid-fork, valid-headers, headers-only, invalid)\n"
            "  }\n"
            "Possible values for status:\n"
            "1.  \"invalid\"               This branch contains at least one invalid block\n"
            "2.  \"headers-only\"          Not all blocks for this branch are available, but the headers are valid\n"
            "3.  \"valid-headers\"         All blocks are available for this branch, but they were never fully validated\n"
            "4.  \"valid-fork\"            This branch is not part of the active chain, but is fully validated\n"
            "5.  \"active\"                This is the tip of the active main chain, which is certainly valid\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("getchaintips", "")
            + HelpExampleRpc("getchaintips", "")
        ); // 1. 帮助内容


    /* Build up a list of chain tips.  We start with the list of all
       known blocks, and successively remove blocks that appear as pprev
       of another block.  */
    std::set<const CBlockIndex*, CompareBlocksByHeight> setTips; // 2. 构建一个链尖列表。
    BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(const uint256, CBlockIndex*)& item, mapBlockIndex)
    BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(const uint256, CBlockIndex*)& item, mapBlockIndex)
    { // 我们从所有已知区块的列表开始,依次移除作为另一个区块的 pprev 区块。
        const CBlockIndex* pprev = item.second->pprev;
        if (pprev)

    // Always report the currently active tip.
    setTips.insert(chainActive.Tip()); // 3. 始终报告当前活跃的链尖。

    /* Construct the output array.  */
    UniValue res(UniValue::VARR); // 4. 构建输出数组。
    BOOST_FOREACH(const CBlockIndex* block, setTips)
    { // 遍历链尖索引列表
        UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
        obj.push_back(Pair("height", block->nHeight));
        obj.push_back(Pair("hash", block->phashBlock->GetHex()));

        const int branchLen = block->nHeight - chainActive.FindFork(block)->nHeight; // 计算分支长度
        obj.push_back(Pair("branchlen", branchLen));

        string status;
        if (chainActive.Contains(block)) {
            // This block is part of the currently active chain.
            status = "active"; // 这个区块是当前活跃链的一部分。
        } else if (block->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) {
            // This block or one of its ancestors is invalid.
            status = "invalid"; // 这个区块或其祖先之一是无效的。
        } else if (block->nChainTx == 0) {
            // This block cannot be connected because full block data for it or one of its parents is missing.
            status = "headers-only"; // 无法连接这个区块,因为缺少该区块或其父块之一的完整区块数据。
        } else if (block->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS)) {
            // This block is fully validated, but no longer part of the active chain. It was probably the active block once, but was reorganized.
            status = "valid-fork"; // 这个区块已经完全验证,但不再是活跃链的一部分了。它可能曾经是活跃的区块,但已经被重新组织。
        } else if (block->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE)) {
            // The headers for this block are valid, but it has not been validated. It was probably never part of the most-work chain.
            status = "valid-headers"; // 这个区块头有效的,但它尚未被验证。这可能从来不是大部分工作链的一部分。
        } else {
            // No clue.
            status = "unknown"; // 没有线索。
        obj.push_back(Pair("status", status));


    return res;

1. 帮助内容

参考比特币 RPC 命令「getbestblockhash」1. 帮助内容

2. 构建一个链尖列表

函数对象比较器 CompareBlocksByHeight 定义在文件 rpcblockchain.cpp 中。

/** Comparison function for sorting the getchaintips heads.  */
struct CompareBlocksByHeight // 用于排序函数 getchaintips 区块头的比较函数。
    bool operator()(const CBlockIndex* a, const CBlockIndex* b) const
        /* Make sure that unequal blocks with the same height do not compare
           equal. Use the pointers themselves to make a distinction. */

        if (a->nHeight != b->nHeight)
          return (a->nHeight > b->nHeight);

        return a < b;

确保高度相同的不同区块比较起来不想等。 使用指针自身来做区分。

3. 始终报告当前活跃的链尖

参考比特币 RPC 命令「getbestblockhash」2. 返回活跃的链尖区块哈希

4. 构建输出数组并返回

计算分支长度,寻找分叉函数 chainActive.FindFork(block) 声明在文件 chain.h 的链类 CChain 中。

/** An in-memory indexed chain of blocks. */
class CChain { // 一个内存中已索引的区块链。
    /** Find the last common block between this chain and a block index entry. */
    const CBlockIndex *FindFork(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const; // 查找该链和一个区块索引项之间的最后一个公共区块。

实现在文件 chain.cpp 中。

const CBlockIndex *CChain::FindFork(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const {
    if (pindex == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    if (pindex->nHeight > Height()) // 若指定区块高度大于当前活跃的链高度
        pindex = pindex->GetAncestor(Height()); // 获取活跃的链上祖先区块索引
    while (pindex && !Contains(pindex)) // 向前查找该分支的交点
        pindex = pindex->pprev;
    return pindex;

获取祖先函数 pindex->GetAncestor(Height()) 声明在文件 chain.h 的区块索引类 CBlockIndex 中。

/** The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the
 * genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple
 * candidates to be the next block. A blockindex may have multiple pprev pointing
 * to it, but at most one of them can be part of the currently active branch.
class CBlockIndex
    //! Efficiently find an ancestor of this block.
    CBlockIndex* GetAncestor(int height); //! 有效地找到这个区块的祖先。
    const CBlockIndex* GetAncestor(int height) const;

实现在文件 chain.cpp 中。

/** Turn the lowest '1' bit in the binary representation of a number into a '0'. */
int static inline InvertLowestOne(int n) { return n & (n - 1); } // 把一个数的二进制表示中的最低位的 '1' 转换为 '0'。

/** Compute what height to jump back to with the CBlockIndex::pskip pointer. */
int static inline GetSkipHeight(int height) { // 使用 CBlockIndex::pskip 指针计算跳回的高度。
    if (height < 2)
        return 0;

    // Determine which height to jump back to. Any number strictly lower than height is acceptable,
    // but the following expression seems to perform well in simulations (max 110 steps to go back
    // up to 2**18 blocks). // 确定跳回的高度。任何严格低于高度均可接受,但下面的表达式似乎在模拟中表现得很好(最多 110 步回到 2**18 个区块)。
    return (height & 1) ? InvertLowestOne(InvertLowestOne(height - 1)) + 1 : InvertLowestOne(height); // height 奇前偶后

CBlockIndex* CBlockIndex::GetAncestor(int height)
    if (height > nHeight || height < 0)
        return NULL;

    CBlockIndex* pindexWalk = this;
    int heightWalk = nHeight;
    while (heightWalk > height) {
        int heightSkip = GetSkipHeight(heightWalk);
        int heightSkipPrev = GetSkipHeight(heightWalk - 1);
        if (pindexWalk->pskip != NULL &&
            (heightSkip == height ||
             (heightSkip > height && !(heightSkipPrev < heightSkip - 2 &&
                                       heightSkipPrev >= height)))) {
            // Only follow pskip if pprev->pskip isn't better than pskip->pprev.
            pindexWalk = pindexWalk->pskip; // 只有当 pprev->pskip 不优于 pskip->pprev 时才遵循 pskip。
            heightWalk = heightSkip;
        } else {
            pindexWalk = pindexWalk->pprev;
    return pindexWalk;

const CBlockIndex* CBlockIndex::GetAncestor(int height) const
    return const_cast<CBlockIndex*>(this)->GetAncestor(height); // 转调上面的重载函数
